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Christ the King Catholic Church
Ann Arbor, MI
Christ the King Catholic Church
Ann Arbor, MI
Phone: 517-548-0039 | Email: | Fax: 517-548-0182
In 2003, CEI went global servicing roofing and sheet metal projects across the world. Taking on high-profile and complex domestic projects, CEI had the logistical experience to dispatch teams and run projects remotely. CEI has a reputation and track record for excellent planning, resourcefulness on-the-ground, and a fantastic work ethic that keeps the roofing and sheet metal project continuously moving forward. With any project, CEI understands the importance of schedules. Timelines become even more a focus when working from across the world. CEI begins with systematic preparation before dispatch. Working through and understanding the details makes sure that everything goes smoothly once the project starts.
CEI teams with clients who demand exceptional customer service, top-notch safety, elaborate logistical plans, high-quality work that lasts, and in-depth knowledge of the entire building envelope. CEI delivers on all of the above. We are complex problem solvers that thrive on a challenge. We have more than 50 years’ experience excelling at solving our customer's building envelope solutions, both big and small throughout the United States and beyond.
CEI Across the Globe
CEI International
Project Focuses:
Logistically Experienced
Good Work Ethic
Excellent Planning
Intercontinental Businesses
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